I’m deeply impacted by the work of Leah Gazan. She has been on the frontlines of establishing a human rights based politic for the past twenty one years and each time I hear her speak, I see someone who’s convictions only get stronger. She is calling out injustice, racism, phobia’s and demanding for human rights to be upheald. She is currently working to pass a bill that would enable all Canadians access to a basic income.
Leah is fighting for a future I want to be part of. One where we all have access to food, clean water, shelter, laughter and love. A future where caregivers, children, seniors, immigrants, First Nations and Metis, disabled, queer, neuro divergent people are cared for and treated with respect and dignity. In a country with so much wealth and prosperity, it is a shame that we have such high poverty rates. This needs to change.
I created a linoprint postcard of Leah Gazan for the Martha Street Manitoba 150 Postcard Exchange which is currently showing until June 22nd here in Winnipeg. I filmed some of the process in making the print. I wanted to show the washing of the ink plate, the piles of dishes waiting to be done and the cat visiting my art desk.
Creating art is work, like every other act of love and generosity. It is a passion and a labour. When art is created for the purpose of shifting narratives rather than bulking up someone’s portfolio or profit margin it becomes a vehicle. It becomes a living entity capable of changing ideas. When we combine our creative life forces, we become a powerful movement. Let us work hard for love.
You can watch my process in creating the postcard while listening to a portion of Leah’s speech in the House of Commons below. If you live in Canada, please sign this petition for a liveable income for all.
Other printed postcards in the Gallery
In the News
A young person, Rahim Mohamed self immolated in Winnipeg this week (June 2024). This news coverage points towards lack of mental health supports, while the National Post shamefully centers the crimes against Jews calling the term “genocide” far-fetched. I believe young Palestinians across the diaspora are struggling to find a way to make their voices herd. They are screaming into a void that white nationalists refuse to listen to.
Let us continue to listen, self-educate and decolonize while we create movements.
Friends, I want to share where I’m at lately. Racism is on the rise. It is regenerating itself through white people. It is killing the planet and the people on it. It is in me and it is in you. It is inescapable because it is the air we breathe. The only way to dismantle it is to be doing diligent work everyday and to be doing it IN COMMUNITY.
This is not work we can do alone. It is a cultural problem which must be addressed culturally.
Books are great. There are many many many amazing black and brown authors and radical leaders teaching on what is needed to dismantle white supremacy culture. It is up to us white folk to take this seriously. I can no longer post artwork without speaking about this. I can no longer live on this planet without focusing on this. This is my work and it will be till I die.
I am joining a white affinity accountability group online. We are asking each other hard questions. We are bringing our shit to the table and trying to keep our white tears to this space where we aren’t going to continue hurting and harming BIPOC.
I encourage you to invest in your own healing. To divest from white supremacy. Learn from the many resources available and form groups with your friends where you can unpack how supremacy shows up in your life. Where is it living in your body? When is harm oozing out of you without you even knowing it? We must call each other in continually even when it hurts. We must stop believing there is nothing that can be done. We must stop believing we are victims or fragile in some way. It is when we confuse feeling uncomfortable with feeling in danger that we become dangerous. This is the very essence of the term, “Karen”.
Here is a link I found on why we must start in white-only spaces and some groundwork when establishing your own white affinity space.
Lots of love,
I believe in a Free Palestine.
BDS movement is one way to support.
Here's a list of vetted gofundmes for families and individuals in need of funds for evacuation. Please give all you can.